Friday, March 27, 2020

What IsChemistry A Good Major For?

What IsChemistry A Good Major For?Before you do any type of research for the decision to accept or reject Chemistry as a major, it's important to get the facts straight about what a chemistry major actually means to you. Is it something that you can truly enjoy and be proud of, or is it something that you have to put up with from the beginning? A few of the more common objections to this choice are:'I don't have the time to learn.' This is probably the most common objection to any major. When the time comes to take a test or take some extra classes to fulfill your requirements, many students feel that they simply don't have the time or the energy to take it all on. However, if you really think about it, this objection is silly and should not stand in the way of pursuing a career in the sciences.'I can't afford to pay for classes or work.' While there is definitely more money available today, especially for those with families, most people are looking for careers where their work is f airly secure. In a lot of cases, there just isn't enough money to provide a student with everything they need. Although one cannot force themselves to do things, if they truly believe that they can't afford to have a college education, this should be a first thought before rushing into anything that requires some financial support.'Chemistry is just too complicated for me.' Despite the fact that this may have seemed to be a popular argument when a few years ago, it is not really that surprising nowadays. The word 'chemistry' may conjure up images of gears and papers with chemicals floating around in a laboratory, but that's not how it works. There is a very basic process involved with this science, and if you truly want to enjoy a career in the sciences, you need to understand what is going on. Of course, this also applies to other majors, and in fact the fact that it takes the same amount of effort to understand a lot of what goes on with Chemistry as it does with physics is what m akes it a very popular choice.Another main objection to a chemical engineering career is that it is too difficult for people who don't have the background or experience. Although this is not true, it is a very common one, and it does allow for some individuals to wonder if it is the right degree for them. With the very nature of engineering in a number of different fields, there are some companies that offer specialized degrees and certifications to help make it easier for them to find employees in the field. This kind of program is completely optional, and you may consider it better to choose an alternative to the sciences that will guarantee you the skills necessary to help solve problems.Interests aside, if you do decide to pursue a career in this field, it's important to consider whether this is really what you really want to do. Some individuals in the sciences have a career that they enjoy doing, but then find that it isn't something that they're good at doing. Chemistry, for example, is a science that involves a great deal of measurement and analytical skills. If you don't love the learning process, it's likely that you won't be able to find a job that would really use these skills, so you may find yourself stuck in a career that you don't really like.No matter which career you decide to pursue, whether it's a career in the sciences or not, there is likely to be a career that you find that you enjoy, and that is what ultimately matters. It's best to get out there and start thinking about your future and your needs, rather than getting stuck in one particular area of interest. After all, you are just as capable of enjoying a career in the sciences as you are in the real world, and you may be able to find a career that fits you more perfectly. So don't hesitate to start searching for a career that you enjoy and will be able to carry you for the rest of your life.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Do Smartphones Make Stupid Parents English Listening Exercise

Do Smartphones Make Stupid Parents English Listening Exercise We often complain about teenagers that spend all of their time with family looking at the screens on their phones, but what about adults?What happens to children when the adults around them spend their time paying attention to their cellphones, rather than their children? This weeks English listening exercise is about a study that was done on this subject. The results are very interesting. And, just to make it clear that were not judging anyone, I often feel like I spend too much time on my phone when Im with my daughter. Im thinking about leaving it at home when I take her to the park from now on! 1. She started noticing how often parents _______ their kids in favor of a mobile device. 2. The baby kept making smiles and faces at the mom and she wasnt _______   __ any of it. link to pick up 3. How many of the parents used the mobile device? 4. These _____ to ______ interactions are the primary way children learn. 5. What did kids do when parents were absorbed in their mobile devices? 6. What part of your brain is engaged when you are texting and answering emails? 7. What did one child call his fathers phone? 8. Do we know how this disconnection will affect the children? What do you think will be the outcome?

Learn English Adjectives that Describe People and Personality

Learn English Adjectives that Describe People and Personality What type of person are you? Are you sensible and calm in a crisis? Perhaps you are sociable and enjoy going out with friends and family. How would your friends and colleagues describe your personality? There are many adjectives that describe people and personality in the English language. Some of them you can use to describe  positive  personality qualities, these are called positive adjectives. There are also adjectives that describe people in a negative way, so-called negative adjectives. Lets have a closer look. Adjectives that Describe People and Personality Cathy works as a carer in a home for elderly people. She needs to be patient with the old people she looks after. She must be hard-working, because she has long shifts with only a short break and her duties include lifting and carrying. Cathy is always calm under pressure and can be relied on in an emergency. Cathy’s boss David says she is the ideal person for her job and a great team member.Steve teaches maths in a secondary school. He is confident about working with large groups of teenagers. Steve is intelligent and able to explain maths in a way his pupils can understand. He is sociable and enjoys organising the end of term party for the other teachers. Steve’s colleagues like having him around.Rob enjoys swimming and belongs to a local club. He is the fastest swimmer in his county for backstroke. Rob is very competitive and always likes to win at whatever sport he plays. He hopes to get a place in the national swimming team and represent his country at the next championships . Rob’s coach says he always turns up for training sessions and is very reliable.Lisa is a hairdresser who owns her own business. She is charming to her customers and enjoys helping them to look their best. People like coming to her salon to get their hair cut, because Lisa is a sociable person who loves her work. English Adjectives that Describe People - Infographic Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: Positive and Negative Personality Adjectives Positive Patient Confident Intelligent Reliable Sensible Charming Negative Impatient Shy Stupid Unreliable Foolish Unpleasant Vocabulary - Adjectives that Describe People and Personality Patient â€" someone who is not in a hurry and can spend time helping other people.Hard-working a person who puts a lot of effort into their work.Calm a person who is relaxed and not nervous.Confident someone who is self-assured and able to succeed.Intelligent someone who has the ability to learn and understand things quickly.Reliable a person who can be depended on to do what they say.Sensible â€" a person who can be trusted to make the right decision.Sociable â€" someone who is friendly and enjoys the company of other people.Competitive â€" a person who likes to win at games or sports. They may be bad losers.Charming someone who has an attractive personality that makes people like them.Ambitious someone who has a strong desire to do well or to be successful.Generous someone who is happy to give more money, time and help than is usual.Arrogant someone who thinks that he/she is better than other people.Aggressive someone who often figths and argues with other people.Cheerful someone who feels happy.Easy-going someone who is relaxed and not worried about what other people do, someone who is very easy to get on with.Responsible someone who is able to act sensibly and make his own decisions.Honest someone who always tells the truth.Tolerant someone who is able to accept other peoples ideas even if he/she doesnt agree with them.Dull a boring person, someone who has no personality.Thick stupid.Down-to-earth someone who is sensible and realistic in things they say or do.Pretentious someone who pretends to be very important.Spontaneous someone who acts in an open and natural way, capable of making decisions without planning.Witty someone who is very quick thinking and clever with wordsFlexible someone who adapts quickly to new situations and doesnt mind changeRuthless someone who is determined to get what they want and not caring about othersShrewd someone who is good at judging people and situationsPushy someone who tries hard to get what they want, especially in a rude wayConceited someone who thinks that they are very important, celver, etcConscientious someone who takes care in doing things properly and carefullyAssertive someone who behaves confidently in order that people take notice of what they sayDiffident someone who is not confident, a shy personHow would you describe yourself? Or people you like? Try to use adjectives from this article.  You can also use  adjectives to describe physical appearance if you would like to describe how they look like.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Doggone Easy Tips to Help with Foreign Language Acquisition

5 Doggone Easy Tips to Help with Foreign Language Acquisition 5 Doggone Easy Tips to Help with Foreign Language Acquisition Learning a foreign language is like learning how to drive.And no, its not because it involves a parent or driving instructor yelling at you because they fear for their livesâ€"although that can also sometimes happen when youre learning a foreign language.Instead, foreign language acquisition is like learning to drive a car because nobody is a pro straight out of the driveway.Its a process that everyone masters in their own time.The challenge of learning a foreign language is part of what makes going through the difficulties worth it. Theres a feeling of empowerment once you master a language. Of course, it can be quite frustrating at times while youre in the learning process. Still, each challenge helps propel you forward to fluency.No one becomes an expert at anything overnight, so you shouldn’t pressure yourself to master a foreign language so quickly, either. Its normal to slow down at some point during the learning process.There are also things you can do to help combat frustra tion when it comes, and thats what this post is about.Heres a list of five simple yet smart tips to help you along the way as you embark on your foreign language journey. 5 Doggone Easy Tips to Help with Foreign Language Acquisition1. Know Your Own Level, and Understand That Not All Skills Are Learned EquallyA beginner isnt going to have the vocabulary of a native speaker. Just like children learn their native tongue, absorbing new words and grammar takes time.To learn anything new, we build up new vocabulary as we learn. Someone learning to become a geologist or a doctor doesn’t have all the tools and vocabulary they need in the beginningâ€"but they pick it up along the way. Similarly, vocabulary is a key element to language fluency, but there are ways around having a smaller word bank at the beginning.If youre struggling to describe something, your pet for example, and you don’t know a particular adjective, think of another way to say it. Think around the new word and use wh at you do know.Grammar is a little different. Languages have grammar rules in order to maintain the way they operate. In some cases, grammar is trickier to memorize. You have to give yourself the patience to absorb each new skill and incorporate it into your knowledge of the language.Being aware of what stage youre at with a foreign language is one of the best things you can do. Yes, its important to push yourself, to keep challenging what you can do. But you should also be conscious of your current skill level. Itll help you feel more comfortable with where you are.Language is a process, just like any new skill. Acknowledge where you are, but keep going forward.2. Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Upâ€"Even If You Make Mistakes!For most of us, our goal when learning a foreign language is to fluently speak it in a real-life context. Writing and reading are often priorities too, but the main aim is usually to do things like carry on a conversation, ask for directions or order at a restauran t. Speaking aloud is crucial to mastering a language.It doesn’t matter if at first you stumble or can’t get your mouth to make the right sounds. It happens to everyone, and you may even feel nervous and shy. But that embarrassment is going to hold you back.A big part of learning a language is gaining confidence. Youll never progress if you don’t try. Fake it till you make it, or so they say, and thats good advice. Youve already stepped outside your comfort zone by challenging yourself to learn a new language. Now you have to continue that and talk. An instructor or a native speaker is going to appreciate you trying and struggling more than you not trying at all.3. Utilize Any Resource That Enhances Your LearningThere are a plethora of resources out there to help you acquire a new language. When you feel stuck, here are some things you can try out.Read online articles and newspapersIf you struggle to gain the confidence to speak in the language youre learning, try reading aloud . Anything from a newspaper article to a poem to a children’s book is going to help you practice pronunciation and transition from one word to the next. Itll also help improve your vocabulary. Break out your dictionary and dedicate time to reading something new each day.Still, don’t try to read a whole book in another language right away. Start small and build your way up. Beginning with magazines, articles and short writings will prep you for bigger and bigger pieces.Watch movies (with subtitles)Films and TV shows are great resources for two big reasons. First, theyre a different medium to learn from. Varying what you use to learn not only mixes it up and makes things interesting, it also allows you to figure out what works best for you.Second, they provide a cultural aspect to your learning. Seeing what another culture consumes in terms of entertainment, jokes, style and history adds another layer to your knowledge of the culture. Language and culture go hand in hand. Its very difficult to master a foreign language if you dont have much knowledge of the culture.Many foreign shows and movies  have English subtitles available. These are great for helping you follow the plot and discern meaning from new words.Listen to musicListening to music in a foreign language is beneficial in a similar way to watching foreign films. It adds variety, provides a cultural experience and challenges you.Don’t expect to understand everything right away. You may only pick out a few words you know at first but as you build up your vocabulary, understanding music, movies and books will all become easier.Some music providers like  Spotify offer playlists of popular music in different countries. Try searching for one to discover different foreign artists that way.Use apps and play gamesWith the internet and smartphones, there are so many apps and other online tools you can use to learn and practice your new language. Try out a few so you can determine what works best for you an d your lifestyle. And remember to play some games, tooâ€"lifes too short to be bored while youre learning!4. Change or Adapt Methods That Aren’t Working for YouA learning tool that works for one person may not work for you. You may find that listening to foreign songs doesnt really enhance your learning, or that a particular app just frustrates you more. Thats OK. Simply ditch what isnt helping you and try something new.Play around with different methods of learning to find out what you like. Learning a language can be fun if you figure out the right learning style for you. Old-school flashcards may work better for you than games on a phone. Theres no single correct way to learn a language.5. Acknowledge That Learning a Language Is Not an Overnight ExperienceYoull never be fluent in a language if youre constantly frustrated with your progress. So remember: this isnt a quick process. Fluency takes time, practice and consistency.Make time every day to work with the language. The bes t way to keep improving is to use the language. Take advantage of the resources out there and mix things up when you can. Congratulate yourself and even celebrate when you master a new skill and incorporate it into your practice.Finally, you can avoid running into a wall of frustration by remembering that everyone who learns a foreign language has been in your shoes. Frustration is normal, but ultimately it will hold you back from making progress.Learning a language isn’t a race. If you work with it every day, you’ll find that you’ll get there faster.As weve seen, foreign language acquisition can at times be tricky and frustrating, but you can make it easierâ€"and even fun!â€"by following these tips. Good luck!Kendall Hurley is a writer from Anchorage, AK specializing in history and language. She is currently studying Norwegian, with a background in Spanish and French.

TutorZ Receives Homeschool Curriculum Award

TutorZ Receives Homeschool Curriculum Award Congratulations TutorZ! We have been awarded the 2013 Top Homeschool Curriculum Award for 2013. This Top Homeschool Curriculum Award is granted by the highly respected authority on homeschooling on the web. The homeschool award is given annually to the best websites in service of homeschoolingand related educational services including tutoring, professional development, learning disabilities, science, language arts, foreign language learning, math, test prep, parenting, studying abroad and many more. The award can be seen at homeschool.coms 2013 award page  or the product review page for is the webs leading resource on homeschooling empowering students and parents  to create the ideal school for their child at home. was founded on the basis to consistently provide resources, information, and support to all homeschooling families.  Up until 1850 most children in America were educated at home. But the past 25 years have seen a revival in homeschooling, and now between 2 or 3 million children  in the United States are learning at home.  is an online tutoring referral service, designed to help students and parents freely network to find a private tutor over the Internet. The  site provides listings of over 50,000 private tutors nationwide. Tutors’ data is organized into easy to use profiles that include tutoring subjects, education background, professional experience, awards, degrees, references, pictures and location. Integrated relevance ranking algorithm and filters allow students to select the perfect tutor  quickly  and easily. Tutors listed on  directory embrace  academic studies including math, English, languages, business, accounting,  physics,  biology, chemistry, history and many more. We are proud to be considered one of the Top Homeschool Websites in 2013 and to possess the gold sealed award. We will make all possible efforts to  justify the confidence of our students and tutors and to continue our status as a leading educational website. TutorZ Receives Homeschool Curriculum Award Congratulations TutorZ! We have been awarded the 2013 Top Homeschool Curriculum Award for 2013. This Top Homeschool Curriculum Award is granted by the highly respected authority on homeschooling on the web. The homeschool award is given annually to the best websites in service of homeschoolingand related educational services including tutoring, professional development, learning disabilities, science, language arts, foreign language learning, math, test prep, parenting, studying abroad and many more. The award can be seen at homeschool.coms 2013 award page  or the product review page for is the webs leading resource on homeschooling empowering students and parents  to create the ideal school for their child at home. was founded on the basis to consistently provide resources, information, and support to all homeschooling families.  Up until 1850 most children in America were educated at home. But the past 25 years have seen a revival in homeschooling, and now between 2 or 3 million children  in the United States are learning at home.  is an online tutoring referral service, designed to help students and parents freely network to find a private tutor over the Internet. The  site provides listings of over 50,000 private tutors nationwide. Tutors’ data is organized into easy to use profiles that include tutoring subjects, education background, professional experience, awards, degrees, references, pictures and location. Integrated relevance ranking algorithm and filters allow students to select the perfect tutor  quickly  and easily. Tutors listed on  directory embrace  academic studies including math, English, languages, business, accounting,  physics,  biology, chemistry, history and many more. We are proud to be considered one of the Top Homeschool Websites in 2013 and to possess the gold sealed award. We will make all possible efforts to  justify the confidence of our students and tutors and to continue our status as a leading educational website.

Get Your Elementary School Kid Ready For Back-to-School

Get Your Elementary School Kid Ready For Back-to-School Five ways to help your elementary school kid get ready for back-to-school Kids are going back to school in just a couple of short weeks, but most of them are still hanging onto summer. Going back to school each fall is a challenging transition that can be made easier by preparing for the classroom in advance. Starting in late August kids will be expected to sit in a classroom and pay attention for up to six hours a day as well as absorb new educational material on a regular basis. Whether kids review core subjects or start getting back into a daily routine, slowly transitioning makes both the child’s and parent’s life a little bit easier. 1. Review foundation materials Many classroom teachers dont have the opportunity to review as much as they did in past years. Thus its more important than ever for kids to remember the basic tools they learned the previous year. Parents are encouraged to speak with their childs teacher to determine what they need to be prepared for on the first day. This may include math formulas or reading comprehension skills that pertain specifically to the childs grade level or it may just mean that the student needs to be able to organize and study without prompting. Doing a little bit of review before the first day helps kids prepare for the semester ahead and feel confident about their ability to learn and succeed. 2. Awaken the brain Summer is an excellent opportunity for younger kids to take a mental break from everything theyve done throughout the school year but they should reawaken their brain before the first day of school in the fall. This might mean reading a new book or visiting a science museum. Igniting curiosity and brainpower doesnt have to be something specific just something that will make the student curious about the world around them and get them excited about learning in the classroom. 3. Attend back-to-school night Many young kids get nervous about their first day of school. They might be attending a different campus, or they may be wondering if theyll be able to make new friends. Having a new teacher and a new classroom is also a little bit nerve-racking. One of the ways to ease these fears is to attend back-to-school night or just visit the campus before the first day. Kids will have a chance to see their classroom, meet their teacher, and get to know a few of their future classmates. Spending a little bit of time on campus can make the first day of school less stressful and more fun. 4. Help kids organize Its a challenge for young kids to keep themselves organized and they need a little help transitioning from summer to the classroom. They may need a folder for each subject or color code different assignments. Different kids need various organizational tools to stay on top of things. Some kids need auditory cues while others benefit from the visual organization. If a child has had trouble organizing in the past, they should work with a tutor who can help them stay on track for the first few weeks of school to make the transition easier. 5. Start a routine Some kids experience structure throughout the summer in the form of summer school or camp, but others may not have had any structure whatsoever. If this is the case, kids should start getting used to a daily routine before they start school in the fall. Perhaps they spend an hour in the afternoon reading books, or maybe they work on arts and crafts while their parent is making dinner. Kids who develop somewhat of a routine before starting school will experience a much better transition once they get back to the strict structure of the classroom environment. Our private Orange County elementary tutors are here to help your kid get ready for back-to-school. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

What Is Chemistry Definition?

What Is Chemistry Definition?Chemists are an important part of society. There are different careers that have to do with the study of the element, and one of the most popular is that of a chemist. This career can be very interesting, but it can also be frustrating. It is important to be able to get what you need, and with the help of this guide you can learn some of the basic things that will make it easier for you to understand what is chemistry definition.There are actually two kinds of chemistry. The first is analytical chemistry, which is all about the chemical elements. It is important to be able to understand the different types of chemical elements, and what they mean. The second kind of chemistry is classical chemistry, which is also called 'inorganic chemistry.' This kind of chemistry refers to chemistry that deals with the metals, minerals, and the chemicals that can be found in them.Chemistry is the study of all the chemical elements. These elements are all the materials t hat are used to make up any kind of substance. Many people assume that all these materials are the same, because each one has a certain amount of energy or something of the same energy. In fact, not all of these substances have the same energy, because of the different properties. This is why people refer to the chemical elements as the elements that can have different properties.Some materials have more elements than others, but at the same time there are also objects that contain fewer elements. This is why most people use what is referred to as the periodic table. The table is one of the things that defines the different elements that exist in nature. Since the table is used, people who study chemistry are given many opportunities to do research about different materials. This helps them to find out where different substances that we use came from.There are two different kinds of measurement when talking about chemistry. These are descriptive and quantitative. The descriptive par t of the definition refers to the way that someone can describe a substance, and the quantitative part refers to the way that the substances are measured.A person who is an analytical chemist usually deals with the properties of different substances. This means that a chemist will be responsible for creating a certain formula that will tell if a substance is good or bad. This is because of the laws that govern substances. These formulas are used by chemists to determine if a substance is good or bad, and what its properties are.Be sure to start with a good understanding of what is chemistry definition. Also, read the article about the various kinds of substances that you need to know. This will help you understand what is really involved with studying chemistry. Plus, you can always find something else to study. But remember that chemistry is very interesting, and you should try to understand it better.

Pre Algebra Trigonometry Help - Get the Right Answer For Your Problems

Pre Algebra Trigonometry Help - Get the Right Answer For Your ProblemsIf you are searching for a pre algebra trigonometry help on the internet, you will find a lot of websites to choose from. However, you should be careful and make sure that you are going to get the most accurate answer about trigonometry problems. Many sites that claim to offer pre algebra trigonometry help provide inaccurate and erroneous answers because the site developers may not have sufficient knowledge about the subject.Instead of taking the opinions of these people and blindly accepting the answers of the online sites, do your own research to find out more about trigonometry. If you find many answers about trigonometry that is different from the answers you found, don't get shocked or disappointed. It may be that they don't know enough about the subject. This may be because they are using an outdated source for their information.There are different types of equations that will help you solve the problems rela ted to algebra, for example, quadratic equations, linear equations, as well as the equation of line and circle. Also, there are many different types of problems which can be solved with the help of math. These problems are often solved using algebra. You will need to get the proper training to solve algebra problems.So, if you are looking for good pre algebra trigonometry help on the internet, you should first get an idea about the topic by searching the web. There are several resources that you can use in order to find out more about the subject. If you find very much information on the internet about pre algebra trigonometry, it may be that this information can be outdated. Therefore, it is important that you should have the right information on the web. If you find that the answers are very different from the other sources, you should consider the site developers and ask yourself if they are knowledgeable enough.It is very important to get the right information about algebra beca use this is one of the fundamental subjects in every major course. Many students have a hard time understanding the concepts of algebra in a traditional classroom. That is why most students turn to the internet to get better information. Sometimes, there is a problem with people who are creating websites that claim to give you answers on algebra problems.All those who work in the internet marketing business should not create websites which provide different kinds of answers. They should only provide a single clear and accurate solution to every question. Even though you can ask many questions about algebra problems, you should not provide different solutions for each of them.There are people who are intentionally providing false information in order to market their website in order to sell you their products or services. Therefore, it is very important that you do your own research before answering the questions on algebra problems. You will only benefit by doing so.

Organic Chemistry and PKA Values

Organic Chemistry and PKA ValuesThe PKA Values are a great alternative to normal chemicals that are often found in most cosmetic products. These are known to be a natural alternative as they do not have side effects such as over-use or abuse.These PKA values are chemical free, and organic chemistry. These are intended to be safe for all users as well as the environment, and they are rated as the safest products out there.The US and the UK have started to do a standardization for both this and organic chemistry in a way that both can be applied to cosmetics and the environment. The UN has also got these approved by their body, even though these have not been approved. There are some countries like Japan that do not allow these kinds of organic chemistry to be used in their cosmetics.These products also cause less impact on the environment than traditional ones. These are not a new discovery as many of them were already used decades ago but now are being widely used.These one's are bes t for the consumers who want a safe and natural product. They are sure to offer great quality as these can be used without harmful side effects and the creation of new cancer causing carcinogens.These are better than most other organic chemistry due to its safety, as it does not do much harm to the environment and can be used even if the chemist that made it has no qualifications. For many, this is the best alternative since there are so many others in the market.Nowadays, it is more than just the PKA values that have made this the main alternative. There are many chemical companies out there that are out to create some more diseases that harm the environment, and also to poison people and animals.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins

Physical Chemistry by Peter AtkinsPhysical Chemistry by Peter Atkins is a handy and convenient tool for teachers, parents, and teachers who care about their students. Just about everyone has known someone who has been injured while trying to juggle a chemical. Like so many other things in our society, those chemicals are not always as easy to keep out of the hands of teenagers or children as they might seem.Chemistry is a subject that should not be taken lightly. In most classrooms, students learn it by having to play chemistry role games, which invariably involve some element of danger. The Teacher's Handbook for Chemistry teaching describes a number of potentially dangerous situations that may occur.Let's say that a child is playing with a mysterious substance that they don't know what it is. If the parent or teacher doesn't know what they're dealing with, they may act rashly. How do you think the parent would react if they found their child being held under a table? Well, what if that same parent learned that her child was having a seizure and was about to lose consciousness?A parent who has never heard of Chemistry will never know the dangers of chemical exposure unless they seek out a professional to educate them. But what if your child is a gung-ho young athlete or a high school senior looking to get into a better college? They need to have the most advanced learning possible. And Chemical Safety 101 won't be the best way to get them there.Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins has the answer. Not only does it provide guidelines for safe handling of chemical reactions, but it also provides examples of chemicals and compounds that students can make at home. And when you see the examples of the chemical reactions on the next page, you'll realize just how much safer it is to handle those materials than the ones in the classroom. Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to teach their students that chemistry isn't something you can play around with without consequences. The book clearly states that no matter how well educated you are, you cannot prepare your students for the hazards that they face when handling dangerous chemicals. And the methods of teaching you use can only do so much. After all, science is a serious subject, and there are far too many teachers who don't take the subject seriously enough.Physical Chemistry by Peter Atkins is definitely worth your consideration. It's a clear and concise guidebook that details all of the necessary elements for safe handling of the chemical.